About Us
Geo HempStock is a small Western Australian company. We develop hemp products for horses, dogs and livestock.
From talking to people, hearing stories about products being imported and watching all the commotion around hemp - GeoHempStock decided to make some simple, local and valuable hemp nutritional products which help animals to recover from illness or stress and build up condition. The remedial benefits of hemp seed both as oil or as meal are becoming world recognised and we believe they should be available to animal lovers here, in WA, grown by our farmers and processed in the factory in Harvey.
Gail is a hemp and sheep farmer who believes in the nutritional properties of hemp to build and condition livestock. She has seen it on her farm and knows it works.
Greg and Mark are Harvey Hemp oil producers and run both a farm and the cold press oil facility in Harvey.
GeoHempStock works from a small, clean and well maintained unit in Harvey from which all our fresh, nutritional products are produced.